Oakland University

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(248) 370-2100

Healthy Campus

我们正在为365英国上市官网校园寻求成功、成长和整体福祉. 365英国上市官网拥有成为密歇根州最健康校园的结构和框架. You can make a difference today!

Academic Success Center

所以我们的主要作用是为学生提供各种各样的学术支持. 这可以通过辅导、补充指导、我们帮助组建的学习小组来实现. We have workshops. 我们也有学术支持预约,学生可以与专业人士会面,讨论他们遇到的一些问题,或者他们想要改进的不同领域. 我们真的很喜欢并专注于促进学生的健康和福祉. 我们这样做的方法之一就是让他们为在公开大学的生活做好准备. So that can be math workshops prior to their first year with us, encouraging them to attend those that they're ready to attend, know how to take notes, what exams look like. Throughout the semester, 我们鼓励他们接受辅导,或者来找专业人士参加学术支持会议,以解决个人的挑战, 帮助他们减轻压力,让他们接触到其他免费的校园资源. We are in Wilson Hall, suite 1100. You can always go to our website, tsunoi-toso.com slash ASC, and that will give you all of the contact information, including our email address and phone number, our social media, so any way that really works for you.

Graham Health Center

在格雷厄姆健康中心,我们在这里照顾365英国上市官网校园社区. So our primary focus is the students of Oakland University. 我们真的想帮助确保人们保持健康,或者在他们感觉不舒服的时候恢复健康,这样他们就能在学校表现良好. And so we also take care of the employees of the campus if there's injuries, workplace injuries or illness or also some preventative healthcare. We can help students who are not feeling well. 这可能是轻微的感冒或过敏,也可能是更严重的疾病,如流感或COVID或任何其他可能影响他们在学校表现良好的疾病. And so as we're being here to help support the students, 我们也尝试做很多健康教育,这可能是在我们拜访学生或任何我们看到的病人,以及做外展工作, helping to educate individuals, not just on how to take care of themselves but how to access healthcare, 哪一项技能是他们未来和生活中真正需要的. The Graham Health Center is located at 408 Meadowbrook Road. We really encourage people to embrace and start using the patient portal. Everyone at OU, as long as you have an access ID, 为他们提供一个病人门户我们鼓励人们使用它. 即使你从未在格雷厄姆健康中心看过,你仍然有一个病人门户. And so you can log into that, ask questions, send a secure message. It is secured just between the health center staff and that individual. And so you can ask a personal health question, anything that might be on their mind, no matter what time of day or night. That's available 24 hours a day. 人们也可以致电248-370-2341,并在营业时间内留下语音信箱, we'll be able to take your call. And then also our health center email. So health at Oakland.edu is another way.

Dean of Students

Primarily, 教务处通过任何影响学生的政策为学生提供支持. Obviously, 人们考虑得最多的是纪律问题,比如学生行为准则或学术不端行为政策. But we do a lot more than that. We have policies such as a bereavement policy where we're seen. 我们指导学生解决他们在校园可能遇到的任何潜在困难, 无论是我们在办公室亲自监督的事情,还是为他们联系到合适的资源. As Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, my job very much like the Dean of Students Office is connected to everyone, 主要是确保每个人,不管他们的角色是什么,都在校园里被看到和尊重. 如果一个学生在心理健康或身体健康或学业上挣扎,或者感觉不属于自己, they're not gonna be able to be successful in the classroom, 当然不能实现他们的学术或职业目标. 我很兴奋地分享我们正在设计的网站,这样我们的学生就可以找到他们的学生支持服务链接和任何你可能想要的信息,或者你想知道我们还做什么, that I'm not mentioning today. We're located in the Oakland Center, Suite 150. The Dean of Students at tsunoi-toso.com is a way to contact us, also calling our phone number, 248-370-3352.

OU Counseling Center

开放大学心理咨询中心的目的是我们是校园里学生心理健康的主要场所. 我们喜欢说我们是365英国上市官网社区的心理健康社区. 我们提供的服务对开放大学校园的健康和福祉有积极的影响,这几乎是所有的服务. We do obviously counseling and therapy as our main service, 这对我们学生的心理健康和幸福有直接的影响. We also do crisis management, crisis sessions, consultations.(...) We do lots of outreach as well, where we do lots of workshops, trainings, and then we also have a full-fledged group program, which we started last year. 每周的任何一天都有六个以上的小组就不同的主题进行讨论. 这些显然对学生也有非常积极和直接的影响. So we're located in the Graham Health Center building. We're on the east wing of it. The best way to contact us is actually several different ways. People can come walk right in and contact us as well. We take walk-ins, 我们每周每天都有紧急时间,人们可以在那里处理危机.(...) So people can just come in to set up an appointment. They can also call our main line at 248-370-3465. They could also email any of the staff directly. I often, as the director and then my assistant director, Dr. Sanders, we often get emails from professors or students. And that's another way you can contact. So coming in, calling, or emailing.

Financial Services

所以我们部门的主要目的是帮助学生解决他们所有的经济援助问题, we help with scholarships and grants, loans, even student employment. We also help answer any FAFSA questions, 帮助他们了解他们的奖励和支付大学费用的选择. We also help them when the bill comes, 弄清楚他们可能有哪些其他的财务选择,以及付款计划是如何运作的. 我们帮助他们的健康,因为我们知道支付大学学费可能是一段压力很大的时间,我们试图让他们的压力减轻. 我们来这里是为了帮助学生和他们的家人解决他们可能遇到的任何问题,这样他们就能很好地了解大学的费用和他们需要支付的费用,这样当他们开始上学的时候, 他们可以有一个清晰的想法,没有什么可担心的,只是能够专注于学校. 我们全年都有活动,他们可以参加FAFSA研讨会和其他类似的活动. 他们都在我们的网站上,这样他们就可以在课程开始前领先了. We are located at 120 North Foundation Hall. The best way to contact us would be you can come in in person, we're always happy to see your face, you can call us, you can email us, we do virtual appointments, we will answer your questions. However you feel comfortable asking them, we really are just here to help.
